Mike and Kendra's

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AllisonKrause.JPG (5731 bytes) JeffreyMiller.JPG (7044 bytes) Web Site Sandra Scheur.JPG (6795 bytes) WilliamSchroeder.JPG (6731 bytes)

Click on Photos above for information on Sandra, Bill, Allison and Jeffrey.

Patriots Act!  1776-1970-2004

34th Annual May 4 Commemoration

Link to the May 4 Task Force Site to get a schedule for this year's events.
Kendra and Mike will see you there!


Click on the photos below to connect to the topic described.
Only those topics available at this time will be connected.
All others in progress.

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May4-2003.jpg (83543 bytes)

JimHuebnerTentCity.jpg (44574 bytes)

Election2004.jpg (61301 bytes)


Color Photos from May 4, 1970
by Larry Shanks

What This Web Site Is All About !

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Link on image above for some speeches
from the 21st Annual May 4, 1970 Commemoration

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The Barry Seybert Collection:
Photos from Tent City and the Gym Struggle

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May 4, 2000
Link here for  reports and photos from the 30th Annual May 4 Commemoration Program

Video of May 4, 2000, May 4 Task Force, 30th Commemoration Available.

Connect on your right.

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New1.gif (1757 bytes) "Your Story" is HERE
featuring Bill Arthrell's Vietnam odyssey.

Selected  Links to Internet Sites on the War in Vietnam


The Barry Seybert Collection:
Photos from Tent City and the Gym Struggle

Alphabetzed Index

Research Guide

May 4 Buttons

May4Buttons.gif (29474 bytes)

By Kendra
(Click on Button)

A special thanks to Carl DeVaughn, former May 4 Task Force Chairperson, for his generosity in making this site possible.

Tell us what you think of this WEB SITE and
your feelings on May 4, 1970 on our

PublicForumPage.gif (1383 bytes)
Link Above on Flashing Words

YOUR STORY counts!
If you have stories or photos or art work or poetry about May 4, 1970 or  subsequent May 4 events we would like to publish them on this web site. You can submit your work to us or discuss it with us at email@may41970.com or write to:
Mike and Kendra
P.O. Box 11-12
Kent, OH 44240



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Meet Mike and KEndra

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May 4 Books and Resources | May 4 Chronology  | Jackson State | Parking Lot Memorials | May 4 Memorial | Tent City and The Gym Struggle | May 4 Task Force | William Kunstler | Arthur Krause | Links PageMay 4 Buttons | Your Story | May 4 Forum | May 4, 1998
May 4, 1999 | May 4, 2000  | May 4, 2001 | Chat Room | Home |

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