Winter, 2001

Last summer's goals for Mike and Kendra's, May 4 Web Site were quite ambitious and for the most part beyond our reach. Thus, we have moderated and will instead concentrate on organizing what we already have into a more user-friendly format. However, we did achieve our most important goals such as reporting on the thirtieth commemoration and publishing Barry Seybert's excellent collection of photographs from Tent City and the Gym Struggle.

We have received many requests for help in the past two years from both high school and university students who have been assigned projects related to the events of May 4, 1970. In addition we have received special requests for various types of more esoteric information on May 4. Thus, based on our interactions with those who have contacted us we would like to create a much more user-friendly index/site map that incorporates the above identified needs. Hopefully this will make it easier to find specific information then a word search which often provides too much information.

Another project for the site will be to revamp or replace our forum page with a more interactive means to comment on May 4, possibly a discussion web with threaded replies.

As usual, if any of our visitors have suggestions, we will be glad to consider them.

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