Charges against Don Bryant & Jason Lynn
Thus far, 3 dismissals, one not-guilty and one guilty (being
Below are the communications announcing the recent two
This is another good day for the First Amendment.
This morning the Portage County Prosecutor dismissed all charges against Don Bryant.
Bryant was one of 13 people arrested May 4, 2003 when a peaceful protest rally and
march at Kent State University was met by a massive police show of force.
Bryant, 47, a letter carrier in North Royalton and KSU graduate, is a board member of
Peace Action, the Blue Triangle Network and the Cleveland Non-Violence Network. On May 4,
he joined the demonstration at 4:45 p.m. when people were reciting poetry at the memorial
site marking the locations where Kent State students were felled by National Guard bullets
during the May 1970 protest against the expansion of war into Cambodia. Bryant assisted
others in carrying a banner which said "Wage Peace" as the group marched across
campus to Main Street, marched approximately one block along Main Street, and crossed the
street onto the grass at Rockwell Hall on campus. Bryant was arrested after he spoke to a
police officer and offered to take the Earth flag which had been held by another person
arrested. When the officer pushed him, Bryant said, "We are here in peace," and
continued walking in the direction indicated by the officer. He was then arrested.
Dismissal of this charge demonstrates that the Prosecutor recognizes that arrests were
made without cause. The Prosecutor previously dismissed charges against Kent resident Mike
Pacifico on May 21, and a jury acquitted Cleveland resident Art McCoy on June 17.
July 22, 2003
Another good day for the First Amendment in Portage County
Today the Portage County Prosecutor dismissed all charges against yet another of the
people arrested during a peaceful demonstration in Kent on May 4, 2003.
Jason Lynn, 25, is a graduate of Malone College in North Canton. He was arrested on May
4, 2003 while assembled with a group of antiwar protesters on the front campus area of
Kent State University. Earlier in the day there was a commemorative rally on the KSU
Commons in which President Cartwright welcomed the president of Jackson State University
of Mississippi. That was followed by an antiwar rally at Manchester Field, in which
speakers spoke out in protest of the occupation of Iraq by U.S. troops, followed by poetry
readings at the May 4 memorial. Participants then marched across the KSU campus carrying
banners, chanting political statements and drumming, while an Ohio State Patrol helicopter
buzzed overhead. When the march reached Main Street at the front of campus, police had
blocked vehicle traffic from travelling on the road. Marchers travelled along Main Street
for approximately one block, when they were met by a 150-200 police who emerged from vans
parked nearby. Lynn and the other marchers then turned and walked onto the sidewalk and
grassy area on the KSU front campus, where there was confusion as to whether it was
permissible to continue marching on the sidewalk. After a few minutes, Lynn was arrested
by police and dragged from the grass into the street.
Dismissal of this charge demonstrates that the Prosecutor recognizes that arrests were
made without cause. Previously, the Prosecutor dismissed charges against Don Bryant on
July 21, dismissed charges against Kent resident Michael Pacifico on May 21, and a jury
acquitted Cleveland resident Art McCoy on June 17.
The remaining cases are expected to be re-set for trial the week of August 18-22, 2003
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