NAPALM is also a dirty word,
Bill Arthrell, a concerned KSU student, attempted to illustrate yesterday when he
addressed a crowd gathered outside the Hub. Arthrell proclaimed he was going to napalm a
dog and awaited the crowd's reaction as members of the Animal Protective League stood
close by.
to see a dog napalmed. Instead, the several hundred persons assembled in front of the Hub
yesterday heard Bill Arthrell, a sophomore history major, point out that they are willing
to prevent a dog from being napalmed but won't do anything to stop human beings in Vietnam
from receiving the same treatment.
The crowd had gathered after notice of the proposed action was circulated
orally around campus Tuesday.
After telling the onlookers some facts about napalm and its uses, Arthrell
said he was about to napalm the dog.
Campus and county security forces, Ron Kane, Portage County prosecutor, and an
employe of the Portage County Animal Protective League were on hand for the demonstration.
However, Arthrell did not proceed with the action. Instead he asked, "How many
are here to stop me from napalming a dog?" After several persons raised their hands,
he asked, "How many of you are
prepared to use action to stop me?" Again several raised their hands.
"You have the audacity to tell us to stop napalming a dog, but you don't
stop the government from using it on people."
Then he added, "The reason the cops, the police, are here is because
it's a felony to use napalm, but the government uses it
every day."
Arthrell noted that the students must have a conscience if they came out to
prevent a dog from being burned. He asked them to carry their conscience one step further
and stop the U.S. government
... from using the incendiary against the Vietnamese.
Kane commented after the speech, "This demonstration has changed the
attitude I've had about the students here from the previous times I was on campus, and you
can quote me.
"What I've seen here has impressed me with the orderly and responsible
way in which the students have acted. I am pleased with the student response to trying to
stop this thing."